Everybody knows that Bad Credit Really Sucks, so why do millions of people find themselves in a bad credit situation?
Well, I believe it is because there is a lack of understanding of how credit actually works and there is no real place to go for the practical education required to play and win at the game of credit.
Yes, credit is a game, and if you play the game without knowing the rules, you can quickly get devoured by the ‘credit and sales experts’, leaving your financial life in total disarray and your personal life in complete despair.
Credit is a game of negotiation, discipline and self-control, and if you can master the rules of credit, you can then implement credit strategies to maneuver the credit game and use your personal credit to grow personal wealth and create personal security for you and your family.
If you believe that you must avoid credit all together in order to avoid the pain of bad credit, then by all means, avoid getting into the credit game.
However, though it is true that you can go through your entire life without ever holding a credit card or ever giving a second thought about your credit score, I can tell you, that by doing so, many good financial opportunities will definitely pass you by.
I can also tell you that it is possible for you to live a full and prosperous life without ever using any kind of credit, so long as you have a huge income and absolutely zero expenses. Unfortunately, many people barely make enough money on their paycheck to keep the lights on.
This is not hype, this is real life, and the sooner you learn how to play the game of credit the faster you can achieve a life you can only dream of.
The Goodwill Credit Group was created to educate and to help people grasp the concept of credit and to also teach people to use credit to grow their wealth and create security for their own lives.
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